Siswa-Siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Terlibat dalam Pembuatan Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional tentang COVID-19
Siswa-Siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Terlibat dalam Pembuatan Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional tentang COVID-19
Siswa-siswi sekolah menengah atas BINUS SCHOOL Simprug berpartisipasi dalam pembuatan jurnal ilmiah internasional bersama dengan Dr. Savita Sondhi, Dr. Rinda Hedwig, dan Dr. Ashok Salhan. Berjudul Voice Processing for COVID-19 Scanning and Prognostic Indicator, penelitian sains ini dilakukan untuk menguji korelasi vokal pada orang-orang yang terinfeksi virus Corona dan membandingkannya dengan orang yang tidak terinfeksi. Para siswa dan siswi tersebut terlibat dalam satu tahun penelitian sejak September 2020. Hasil dari penelitian ini kemudian diterbitkan di Heliyon pada 7 Oktober 2021.
Mengajak Siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug untuk Bantu Penelitian
Dr. Savita Sondhi, STEM Research Coordinator di BINUS SCHOOL Simprug, memiliki ide untuk
melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menentukan korelasi vokal penderita COVID-19. Ide ini
di diskusikan bersama rekannya, Dr. Ashok Salhan, seorang ilmuwan asal New Delhi, India, dan Dr. Rinda Hedwig, yang juga seorang Research Interest Group Leader di BINUS University. Hasil dari diskusi tersebut memantapkan ide penelitian Dr. Savita Sondhi untuk merencanakan pembuatan aplikasi mobile yang dapat menganalisis suara manusia dan mendeteksi gejala COVID-19 dari suara tersebut.
Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, Dr. Sondhi memberikan proposal penelitian kepada siswa-siswi
BINUS SCHOOL Simprug dan mengundang mereka untuk menjadi bagian dari penelitian sebagai
asisten. Hanya dalam kurun waktu beberapa jam, 15 siswa menunjukkan ketertarikannya untuk
terlibat dalam penelitian bertaraf internasional tersebut. Melihat respons positif dari para siswa, Dr. Sondhi mempresentasikan penjelasan lebih lanjut soal penelitian tersebut untuk membantu siswasiswi lebih memahami prosedur studi dan output yang diharapkan. Siswa-siswi yang bergabung diantaranya adalah Claire A Santoso, Doucoure Mariam, Deandra M.Dharmawan, Aastha Sureka, Btari N. Natasha, Artaya D. Danusaputro, Nilakandiah S. Dowson, Michelle S. Li. Yap, Moira A. Hadiwidjaja, Sundhari G. Veeraraghavan, Athalia Z.R. Hatta, Chaerin Lee, Ruben A. Megantara, Mansi Sharma, dan Alexandra N. Wihardja.
Antusiasme dan Dedikasi Siswa BINUS SCHOOL Simprug selama Satu Tahun Penelitian
Siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug yang terlibat dalam penelitian menunjukkan antusiasmenya
selama satu tahun penelitian. Dimulai sejak September 2020, bersama Dr. Sondhi dan rekan-rekannya, mereka mengerjakan penelitian ini dengan penuh dedikasi dan semangat. Para siswa menunjukkan komitmennya dalam penelitian bertaraf internasional ini. Komitmen tersebut menjadi inspirasi bagi Dr. Sondhi untuk terus melanjutkan penelitian di tengah kesibukan yang beliau jalani sebagai pengajar. Demi memberikan hasil penelitian yang dapat berkontribusi positif terhadap dunia kesehatan global, Dr. Sondhi dan tim bahkan tetap bekerja nonstop saat masa
liburan sekolah pada Desember 2020 dan Maret 2021.
Dimulai sejak September 2020, Dr. Sondhi dan para siswa sebagai asisten peneliti melakukan eksperimen yang melibatkan 36 relawan, yaitu 16 relawan yang terinfeksi COVID-19 dan 20 relawan yang tidak terinfeksi COVID-19. Selain itu, para siswa juga melakukan analisis data,
menginterpretasikan data, hingga menulis makalah penelitian. Dedikasi mereka selama satu tahun penelitian akhirnya membuahkan hasil. Pada 1 Oktober 2021,makalah penelitian mereka diterima dan dipublikasikan secara resmi dalam skala global pada 7 Oktober 2021 di Heliyon.
Dr. Sondhi menjelaskan bahwa keterlibatan para siswa sangat besar dalam proses penelitian ini.
Mereka sebagai asisten peneliti tak takut untuk mengambil tantangan dan mampu bekerja kapan punDr. Sondhi membutuhkan bantuan mereka. “Salah satunya adalah Claire A Santoso. Claire selalu siap untuk mengerjakan perannya dengan baik. Pernah suatu waktu saya meminta bantuannya, tapi saya tidak tahu kalau saat itu Claire sedang pergi berlibur. Namun, dengan penuh dedikasi, Claire tetap membantu saya dan menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan cepat, walaupun sedang dalam perjalanan.” ujar Dr. Sondhi. Tidak hanya Claire, siswi lain seperti Mariam juga selalu berani mengambil tantangan dan mengumpulkan tugas-tugas dengan cepat. Ada pula Deandra yang selalu siaga membuat spreadsheet dan membantu Dr. Sondhi memantau data dari seluruh asisten peneliti. Tidak ketinggalan 12 siswasiswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug lainnya yang selalu sigap dan siap membantu Dr. Sondhi. Dr. Sondhi menegaskan bahwa merekalah yang berjasa membantu penelitian sains tentang COVID-19 ini terwujud.
Kontribusi Besar Siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug terhadap Pengembangan Teknologi COVID-19
Bergabung dalam riset ilmiah bertaraf internasional sebagai asisten peneliti bukanlah hal sepele.
Melalui komitmen dan dedikasi penuh, siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug mampu memberikan
kontribusi positif yang nantinya tak hanya dirasakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, tapi juga dunia.
Saat ini, tidak ada yang bisa memprediksi kapan pandemi COVID-19 akan berakhir. Berbagai
penemuan akan sangat membantu dalam pengembangan proses penyembuhan virus Corona yang
menginfeksi tubuh manusia. Partisipasi siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug pun menjadi kunci
penting dalam menemukan korelasi vokal pada orang-orang yang terinfeksi virus Corona dan
membandingkannya dengan orang yang tidak terinfeksi.
Seiring dengan perkembangan pandemi COVID-19, output dari riset ilmiah ini nantinya mampu
memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap penyelesaian pandemi secara global. Hal tersebut tidak
terlepas dari kerja keras Dr. Sondhi dan tim, terutama siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug sebagaiasisten peneliti. Bagi Claire, Mariam, Deandra, Michelle, Aastha, Nadya, Artaya, Kandi dan siswa-siswa BINUS SCHOOL Simprug lain, terlibat aktif dalam pembuatan makalah penelitian sains bersama Dr. Sondhi, Dr. Rinda Hedwig, dan Dr. Ashok Salhan dapat meningkatkan peluang untuk diterima di universitas impian. Sadar dengan hal ini, Dr. Sondhi mendorong dan membantu para siswa untuk melakukan yang terbaik selama masa penelitian.
Keterlibatan siswa-siswi BINUS SCHOOL Simprug berperan besar dalam kesuksesan pembuatan
jurnal ilmiah tentang COVID-19 yang diinisiasi Dr. Savita Sondhi. Komitmen dan dedikasi mereka
akan menjadi bekal positif untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang universitas. Di sisi lain, hasil
kerja keras mereka dalam bentuk jurnal ilmiah dapat memberi dampak positif untuk banyak orang.
Jurnal internasional berjudul Voice Processing for COVID-19 Scanning and Prognostic Indicator ini dapat diakses melalui tautan berikut:
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang sekolah kami, ikuti acara HYBRID ( online & onsite) BINUS SCHOOL Simprug OPEN HOUSE.
Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 29 January 2022
Waktu: 10.00 – 12.00
Untuk RSVP silahkan menghubungi WA kami di 08118181863.
BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Conducted Important Research Related to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the toughest challenges this world has faced in our lifetime. While today we have more tools to combat the virus and people are getting used to the “new normal”, back in 2020 most of us had more difficulties coping with the pandemic. This situation encouraged Dr. Savita Sondhi, STEM Research Coordinator at BINUS SCHOOL Simprug, to conduct research that could contribute to combating the COVID-19 infection. Dr. Savita did not work alone on this international scientific research study. She received tremendous help from BINUS SCHOOL Simprug students who worked as her research assistants during the process. The result was outstanding; they managed to find the voice parameters which are most affected by the COVID-19 infection.
Research to determine reliable vocal correlates of COVID-19
This study aimed to develop a non-invasive and non-contact method to identify reliable vocal
correlates of COVID-19 infection. Before moving forward with the research, Dr. Savita discussed the idea with Dr. Ashok Salhan, Scientist ‘G’ and Associate Director (Retd.) DRDO, India and the Research Interest Group Leader at BINUS University, Dr. Rinda Hedwig. To determine reliable vocal correlates of COVID-19, first, they needed to find the voice parameters which are most affected by COVID-19 infection. Dr. Ashok Salhan suggested that they should develop the modalities of research. Additionally, Dr. Rinda suggested that based on their findings, they would
develop a mobile application to analyze human voices in real-time to detect COVID-19 symptoms for remedial measures and necessary action. To instill the love for research among the students of BINUS SCHOOL Simprug and to give them an opportunity to participate in real-time research, Dr. Savita decided to share their research proposal with all BINUSIANS and invited them to voluntarily participate in this research study as Research Assistants. Within only a few hours, at least 15 students namely Claire A Santoso, Doucoure Mariam, Deandra M.Dharmawan,, Aastha Sureka, Btari N. Natasha, Artaya D. Danusaputro, Nilakandiah S. Dowson, Michelle S. Li. Yap, Moira A. Hadiwidjaja, Sundhari G. Veeraraghavan, Athalia Z.R. Hatta, Chaerin Lee, Ruben A. Megantara, Mansi Sharma, and Alexandra N. Wihardja expressed their interest to participate in this research. Dr. Savita then presented the modalities of research on Zoom call to help these students understand the procedure of study and the expected output.
The research took one year to finish
Dr. Savita and her team of research assistants at BINUS SCHOOL Simprug spent seven months working on this international scientific research. From September 2020 until May 2021, they worked vigorously until their paper was submitted for review on May 17th, 2021, accepted on October 1st, 2021, and finally published by Heliyon on October 7th, 2021. The journey was not easy. Due to excessive screen time during research work on top of the regular class-teaching schedule, Dr. Savita had severe health issues. Although the situation was tough, the strong commitment and dedication of all research assistants and tremendous support from Dr. Ashok Salhan and Dr. Rinda kept her going. “Inspired by the commitment and excitement of all research assistants, I had promised my students that I would leave no stone unturned until we get this paper published so that they all can put it on their university applications,” said Dr. Savita.
How students from BINUS SCHOOL Simprug play an integral part in completing the research
Even though the idea to conduct this important research initially came from Dr. Savita, it would not
have been possible to finish without the help and dedication of BINUS SCHOOL Simprug students.
Not only were they being proactive, but they also managed to complete every task assigned by Dr.
Savita with utmost zeal and accuracy. They were so very engrossed with enthusiasm that they would begin working on the task the moment it was assigned and at times would also stay up until midnight to complete it.
As research assistants for this important project, BINUS SCHOOL Simprug students were always
ready to take up challenges and deliver high-quality results. The contribution of all 15 students was
phenomenal in getting the study to fruition. They demonstrated inductive analysis and creative
synthesis skills while collecting voice samples of COVID-19 infected patients and extracting acoustic parameters from the voice samples using PRAAT software. They continued working with zeal and perseverance throughout the December break.
“Out of all the students involved, Claire, Mariam, Deandra, Michelle, Nadya, Artaya, Kandi, Aastha, and Ruben were the most active as they would always submit the task within a few hours. Nonetheless, Claire, Deandra, Mariam, Nadya, and Michelle were always eager to take responsibilities, suggest innovative ideas, organize, and maintain the voice database and results. On the other hand, Mariam, Aastha, Ruben, Nadya, and Aartya helped with writing the introduction of the paper. Throughout this research journey, Claire and Mariam’s commitment was highly impressive as they stood by all the thick and thin and managed to complete the task even when they went on holiday during March break,” said Dr. Savita.
A positive contribution for the future
Being a researcher and getting the results of the research study published by Elsevier publication is
a great achievement. With strong dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm for this project, BINUS
SCHOOL Simprug students have started a new legacy.
They have opened doors for research and research opportunities that will inspire the younger
BINUSIANS. The love for research which now captivates our community of learners will foster and
empower them to make positive contributions not only to Indonesian people but also to the global
community. While the world keeps making progress to recover completely from the COVID-19 pandemic, no one knows when this situation will be completely over. Every progress matter and this research about voice parameters related to COVID-19 infection has surely provided a helpful contribution. Results of this study confirm that voice analysis can be used for scanning and prognosis of COVID-19 infection. Based on the findings of this study, a mobile application can be developed to analyze human voices in real-time to detect COVID-19 symptoms for remedial measures and necessary action.
You can read the complete article titled, “Voice Processing for COVID-19 Scanning and Prognostic
Indicator” by clicking this link below:
For more information about our school, let’s join our HYBRID ( online & onsite) BINUS SCHOOL Simprug OPEN HOUSE.
Date: Sabtu, 29 January 2022
Time : 10.00 – 12.00
RSVP: 08118181863.